Terrence "Terry" J. Marlowe

Sep 12 1956
Mar 11 2024
67 Years
East Brandywine, PA

Terrence J. Marlowe, 67, of East Brandywine Township, PA, passed away on Monday, March 11, 2024, at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.  He was the husband of Robin (Smith) Marlowe for over 39 years.  Born in Darby, PA, he was the son of the late James J. and Mary Jane (Ortolon) Marlowe.

Terry was 1974 graduate of Malvern Prep and received his B.A. from Villanova University in 1978. He then graduated from Temple University Law School in 1981 and practiced in Downingtown. For 16 years he was an adjunct professor at Widener School of Law in Wilmington, DE.

Terry’s greatest satisfaction in his professional life was teaching and mentoring the next generation of young lawyers.  Many former students stayed in touch to offer updates on their careers, as well as thanks for his impact on both their personal and professional lives.

Terry was a movie buff, student of history and literature, and an animal lover.  He enjoyed March Madness especially when his teams were in the tournament.

He swore that his “Kitty Cat” was a Villanova Wildcat fan.

Terry overcame the obstacle of being a bi-lateral, above -knee amputee, even climbing the Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza to the top.

His true legacy is the inspiration he leaves with us to overcome obstacles in life, whether they be physical ones or otherwise.

Besides his wife, Robin, he is survived by a son, Nathaniel of Philadelphia.

A Celebration of Life service is being planned and when  the details are completed the information will be posted here.  Memorial contributions can go to the charity or organization of the donor’s choice.

Arrangements have been entrusted to the Wilde Funeral Home, Parkesburg, PA. Online condolences can be posted at www.wildefuneralhome.com

Service Location: 


Dear Robin and Nathaniel,
My deepest heartfelt sympathy to you.
Terry loved you so much.
Terry was an a brilliant man, with a witty sense of humor, and was never a stranger to anyone.
I was blessed to have share a friendship with him. His vast diverse knowledge was amazing. We will all miss our conversations and laughter with Terry. The world was impacted forever by Terry in such positive ways. Yes, a true legacy. Inspirational. His memory will be a blessing. His name is written in the Book of Life. His name is forever written on my heart. Love, Tatiana "T" Middleton

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Dear Robin and Nathaniel,
My deepest heartfelt sympathy to you.
Terry loved you so much.
Terry was an a brilliant man, with a witty sense of humor, and was never a stranger to anyone.
I was blessed to have share a friendship with him. His vast diverse knowledge was amazing. We will all miss our conversations and laughter with Terry. The world was impacted forever by Terry in such positive ways. Yes, a true legacy. Inspirational. His memory will be a blessing. His name is written in the Book of Life. His name is forever written on my heart. Love, Tatiana "T" Middleton

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Robin & family. So very sorry for your loss. Terry left a lasting impression in my heart. We had many good encounters through the Chester County court system. Terry looked at the bright side of life. He showed many how to overcome obstacles. May good memories stay close to your heart. God is our refuge and strength. 


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I am so sorry to read about terry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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Dear Robin and Nathaniel:  

Terry and I always said we were each others oldest and most faithful friends.  Meeting first when our older brothers started high school at Malvern Prep, we never lost touch through all of the years.  Attending Villanova together, being at each others weddings (I was privileged to say a reading at yours) and you attended mine in NYC, and all of the many phone calls and visits over the years.

In spite of the horrific train accident Terry endured and the subsequent changes in how he needed to live life, I will always be in awe and inspired by his bravery and yours!!, and how you actively embraced all that life could offer every day!!

Meeting and marrying you was one of the happiest days in Terry’s life, and oh how he adored you and your son Nathaniel!!  I will always be grateful for the memories we made together.  You and Nathaniel are in my thoughts and prayers.  I’m so sorry for your loss!!  I love you always!!


Coleen-Ann Mulhern




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As a professional I respected Terry immensely. But when I hired him personally for my son is when I really saw the depth of his heart and devotion within the system. A huge voice and advocate may be silent now but his legacy continues within each person he worked with along the way but especially within the juvenile system. My son's career exists because of this man raking faith in him and I will never forget. It changed my career path forever. I am so sorry for your personal l8ss but know he is legacy to many of is in so many ways. Much love !

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Robin, I was shocked and saddened to hear about Terry's death. It was such a pleasure working with Terry when we lived in Downingtown, and I was happy to reconnect with him on Facebook when we moved back to the Philly area in 2020. We talked about getting together, but it was in the midst of the pandemic and we unfortunately put it off. I know that marrying you and having Nathaniel were the highlights of his life. I hope you will remember the happy moments in your year's together and that they bring you joy.

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Terry's indomitable spirit, resilience and humor were an inspiration to everyone who was fortunate enough to know him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Robin and Nathaniel

Maria, Marisa and Rachel

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Dear Robin & Nathaniel,  I just heard the news of Terry's passing. I am numb! So many great memories from our childhood on up. I knew that when I introduced Terry to you, Robin, that it would be forever. Your wedding was beautiful for the perfect couple. My uncle & cousin taught Terry at Malvern Prep & they were fond of the man he was. I'll never forget rushing to the hospital after Jimmy called me after the train incident. I walked into his room in the IC Unit with all of the IVs & tubes connected to him. I tried to hold back tears as he lay there, bruised & ashen. I kissed his forehead & tears started dropping on him. He woke up & said, "Hi, Ei. How are you & smiled at me." All I could say was "I love you!" & started crying. He took my hand & squeezed it saying, "Don't be sad. I am the luckiest man on earth!"  I confess that I looked up at the IV bags going into his arms thinking: "They must have him on some REALLY good (I'll clean it up) "stuff!"  Then he said the most profound thing I have ever heard. He said (and I quote): "How many people do you know who have been run over by a train & lived to tell about it?"  From that day on, whenever I think I'm having some problem, frustration or concern, I think of Terry.  It's all how you look at things. The days we spent in court trying not to laugh at certain witnesses testimony ~ you were better at that than I was. I was so proud of you.  My heart, prayers & love go out to Robin, Nathaniel & Jimmy. Terry's legacy will be far-reaching in so many ways. May you rest in peace, my dear friend. I love you....  "Ei"


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So sorry to hear of your tragic loss.  Please accept my condolences.

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I had the absolute pleasure of being introduced to Terry in the early 90s, where legal representation was needed both privately and professionally. Through the years, our business relationship formed into a Fabulous Friendship. Words truly can not exemplify the sorrow of hearing of this gentleman's passing. Please know my friend that a special place in my heart will remain for eternity. God Bless Terry,

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Robin, we were so sad to hear of Terry’s passing.  He was really a great man with a wonderful sense of humor.  I enjoyed talking music with him and also enjoyed his posts about life in general.  I always admired his strength through his adversities and how he managed it with humor and grace.  He was also a great influence on our son in law school and we appreciate him for that. It really is a terrible loss.  Our deepest sympathy to you and your son, Nathaniel.  Love, Patty and Albert Sardella


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Robin and Family,

I was so very sorry to hear of the passing of Terry. He was truly a gentle giant, so kind & caring every time he came into the Clerk of Courts office, or when we saw him in the hallways, He was always cheerful & had some funny story to share.  He always thanked us before leaving the office.  He will surely be missed, but we will remember him fondly.

Praying for your comfort and strength during these difficult times, God Bless & Keep you.

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Robin and Family,

         You have my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved husband and father, Terry Marlowe. Prof Marlowe was undoubtedly one of the best professors I had at Widener Law. Even after graduating when he would see me at the Justice Center, he would always inquire how I was doing.  I know he supported my future endeavors.  I wish you much comfort and fond memories as you go through this season of grief.


          Heartfelt condolences,

           Fredda L. Maddox




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I am so sorry for your loss.  He was a great professor and lawyer.  May your love and memories comfort you during this time of loss.

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I am saddened to hear of Terry’s passing. I practiced law with Terry and he appeared before me in court many times. I can pay no greater compliment to a lawyer than to say Terry was competent, good to his word and did his best to preserve the dignity of the judicial system. He had my respect.  My condolences. 
Judge Mahon

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Robin and Nathaniel,

I know this is a little late, but I just want to let you know what a great mentor Terry was to me. I attended Widener and we hit it off because we enjoyed the Howard Stern show. In the summer of 2010 he asked if I wanted to intern with him. He was not only a great teacher of the law in the classroom, but he really showed me what it was to be an attorney in practice and in court. He made me want to be a litigator. I saw how everyone in the Chester County Courthouse respected him and how his word was his bond. Nathaniel he was so proud of you. He would tell me how you back in the day you were learning guitar. Last time I spoke with him, he told me you had a radio show. Terry will definitely be missed. Sorry for venting. Terry meant a lot to me as I'm sure he did you. He really was a force and a great inspiration on being happy with whatever life hands you. As Eric the Actor would say...bye for now.

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