Pauline Elizabeth Spencer


Pauline Elizabeth Spencer, 70, of Coatesville, passed away on Thursday, January 17, 2013.  She was the beloved wife of Paul C. Spencer, with whom she shared 52 years of marriage.  

Born on Sunday, February 22, 1942 in Coatesville, she was the daughter of the late Fred and Mary (Cazille) Phillips.  She was a 1960 graduate of C.A.S.H. and was employed for 10 years as a bus driver by the Krapf Bus Co.  
Pauline was a parishioner at the Holy Rosary Parish.  
She is survived, in addition to her husband, by her four children: Paul J. Spencer, husband of Pearlann, of Morgantown, Fred W. Spencer, husband of Tammy, of Coatesville, John A. Spencer, husband of Donna, of Honey Brook and Teresa L. Richards, wife of Charles, of Coatesville; nine grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; and one brother, Angelo Phillips, Sr. of Coatesville.  
She was predeceased by her brother Frederick A. Phillips.  
The Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 11 AM at the Wilde Funeral Home, 434 Main St., Parkesburg, followed by interment in the Glen Run Cemetery of Atglen.  The viewing will be held from 10 until 11 AM.
Online condolences can be posted at 


My mom went home to be with the Lord on January 17, 2013. She is breathing the cleanest, freshest air God has available.
Thank you God take care of my Mom. I Love you, Fred

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Pauline has gone home with the Lord and her family.No more pain, and she can breath easier now.I loved her like a sister she was very special to me we did alot of fun things over the years.She is now a lovely Angel.She will always have a special place in my heart.You will be missed alot.Love from me Pauline X O .

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My mother-in-law is special to me. I am very happy that she is with the Lord. She is health and not suffering any more. I will miss her. I Love You! Tammy

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My Mom went home to heaven on Thursday January 17,2013. She was not only my Mom she was also my best friend, I miss her a lot and Love her always.She is finally able to breathe easier. Thank you God foe making her journey a peaceful one and Please take care of my mom. I Love You!!! Love always your daughter Teresa

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We send out love, prayers and condolences to the whole Spencer family. Pauline was a very special lady. We didn't know her very long, but she made us feel a very welcome part of the family.Now she is pain free, can breathe free and will watch over everyone here until we all meet again one day. She will be sadly missed but never, ever forgottenlease know that we are here if you need anything.

Love, Teresa, Terry, Christina & Brandy ( The Raysor fmily)

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You flew off with wings of an angel. No more physical suffering .rest in peace, then get up and do the boogie woogie.
See you soon, cousin Herb

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Pauline was a great lady fun to be with and to visit with we love her very much as a cousin but most of all a dear friend we are so sorry she went to soon but she's up in heaven with our dear heaveny father its hard now but she is free from all of her pain I will dearly miss her so much at our cook outs and family functions love you dear friend let your wings fly high in the sky. your free now

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Just think,
You're here not by chance, but by God's choosing. His hand formed
you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else-
you are one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfil His
special purpose for this generation. By Roy Lessin

Pauline will be missed so much here on earth but we know she is now
truely home.

(From Hope)I have only known Pauline for short period of time but from
the first time she has always made me feel like family. Always calling
me Hon and giving me a kiss and hug. I will miss her.

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I am going to miss you so much it was so too soon for you to go now that you are gone but you will always be in my heart. Now you are with the rest of the family in Heaven & now you & Betty can talk about the old times. Like you uses too. You were my Cousin but you were like an Aunt to me so I just want to say I am going to miss you very much but I know you will be watching over the whole family. Love Barb & Ken Cummings

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You will alway's be missed and loved by alot people,My Prayer's go out to the Family,You are in a better place, no more suffering, i will never forget you Pauline, you will alway's be in my heart and Prayer's.
My Love & Prayer's to all of you,
From , Ella

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My beautiful Mom-mom went home to be with the Lord on Thursday,January 17,2013. She can now breath easy and be healthy. She is dancing with her Daddy. I will miss her SO much but I know she will be watching over me and my family. God choose her early but he will take good care of her.
I love you Mom-mom.
See you soon!
Jenny, Eric and Sarah

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And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away,and there was no more sea.And I John saw the holy city,new Jerusalem,coming down from God out of heaven,prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,Behold the tabernacle of God is with men,and he will dwell with them,and they shall be his people,and God himself shall be with them,and be their God.And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,and there shall be no more death,neither sorrow,nor crying,neither shall there be any more pain,for the former things are passed away.We love you and will miss you dearly.

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I am free at last no more pain I can breath at last I so sorry I less all you behind but my number was up I be in your heart always never for get me I love you all so much I flying high in the sky with my dear lord jesus good by till you seen me in heaven I love yours all so much Pauline will never be for got love you went all my heart

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Aunt Pauline... you are missed. You have left an impression on my heart and you will never be forgotten. I know that you're loving Heaven and already back to your good 'ol self. Say "hi" to my mommom for me.

Your Goddaughter,

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God has called another special angel home to be able to watch over us all we will truly miss you Aunt Pauline you are resting peacefully up in our fathers heaven. To all the spencer, Phillips, family and friends rest assure that Aunt Pauline is resting now with our father in heaven and no more worries to us all we no he will take care of her. what a greater place to be with our father in Heaven. We will love you always and the memories will always be treasured. I want to take the time to thank our lord for letting us spend as much time with Aunt Pauline as he did.

Fly, High until we meet again someday xoxoxoxox Lots of Love your way.

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The world lost a very nice lady. I did not know her well I work with her husband. I did meet her at bingo. May God be with Paul & his childfen & grand children. Mrs. Spencer will always be with each & everyone of you. God Bless all of you & remember she is in God's hands. You can not ask for anything better. Thoughts & prayers with each & everyone of you.

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Heaven has a New Angel and my Dad has his Sister to walk the Golden Streets in Heaven where there is no more pain no more suffering She's embraced by her Dad Mom Uncle John and all her Loved ones and Friends who are welcoming her home I close my eyes to see her with that beautiful smile wonderful heart and loving caring self She will truly be missed by soo many To my Wonderful Spencer Family there are no right words that seem to help at such a sad time for all of You nothing seems to ease the pain and that void in all Your lives I hope You All when burdened with grief will try to remember her smiling face her laugh her hug her "I Love Yous" and how very important each one of You All are to her and will be forever She is always with You Fred watch for the pennies! I Love All Of You! My Heart goes out to each and everyone of You! Beautiful Picture!

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