Juan M. Quinones, 57, passed away on Tuesday, July 5, 2016.
In loving memory of a dear and loving trusted friend who will be sadly missed. Juan was survived by his mother, several cousins, and left behind several children. and many other relatives.
Juan was proceeded in death by his step-father and his son, and his wife. Juan's closest companion was his dog "Chico", who was his world.
Juan was a part of our family (the Nagels) for over two years. Juan was a very dear friend to my family. Juan was a hard worker at the Gap Diner where her was employed for over 10 years. He also was the kind of guy who would do many odd jobs for other people all over. Even in the hardest of times, he always had a great attitude and a smile on his face, and always willing to help others. Juan will always be in our hearts and sadly missed.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know it is tough losing a loved one. I would like to give you some words of encouragement that helped me cope. A lot of people have been told things by others all their life and they believe what they are told just because they want to believe it and it sounds wonderful. What I would like to tell you though is not my opinion or my thoughts but God’s thoughts from the Bible, so please look at your Bible and see the truth. God promises that we will live again but it is not like what most people think. Please look at Revelation chapter 21 and verses 3 & 4 very closely. If you notice here it talks about death and pain being no more now ask yourself is there pain and death in Heaven? That scripture is talking about right here on Earth a kingdom that will be set up and ruled by Jesus that will rid mankind of death and pain, please look at Daniel 2 verse 44 and see that this is a real kingdom. If you would like to find out more bible truths go to a free website called jw.org